Questions for CCE December 2024 - MA I Semester (English Literature)

Questions for CCE December 2024
Class: M.A. I Semester
Subject: English Literature

Paper I (Poetry)
Note: Attempt any two of the following questions.
Q1. Discuss Paradise Lost as an epic poem.
Q2. Write a note on Chaucer’s art of characterisation in Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.
Q3. Discuss John Donne as a metaphysical poet.
Q4. Discuss Rape of the Lock as a mock epic poem.
Paper II (Drama)
Note: Attempt any two of the following questions.
Q1. Give a character sketch of Shakuntala.
Q2. Discuss Hamlet’s madness.
Q3. Discuss Twelfth Night as a romantic comedy.
Q4. ‘Dr. Faustus reflects the spirit of Renaissance’. Discuss.
Q5. Give a character sketch of Viola.
Paper III (Fiction)
Note: Attempt any two of the following questions.
Q1. Discuss Henry Fielding as a novelist.
Q2. Draw a character sketch of Kadambari.
Q3. Discuss Dickens as a novelist
Q4. Discuss Kenilworth as a historical novel.
Q5. Explain George Eliot as a novelist.
Paper IV (Prose)
Note: Attempt any two of the following questions.
Q1. Write notes on biography & autobiography.
Q2. Write about Nehru and his autobiography.
Q3. Write about Kamala Das and her autobiography.
Q4. Evaluate Francis Bacon as an essayist.
Q5. Write about Of Studies.
Note: All the students of M.A. I Sem (English) are directed to submit their home-assignments between 10/12/2024 to 14/12/2024 from 12:00 AM to 03:00 PM. Every student has necessarily to present his /her home-assignments before the teachers of subject concerned. Separate answer sheet is to be submitted for each paper.


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