
Showing posts from April, 2020

Communication Skills: A Brief Study

Abstract: Communication is an important feature of life. In the modern world its importance has increased. It has become the need of the day. Thus communication skills are essential to fulfil this need. There are four basic communication skills. The present paper discusses each skill in detail. ******* Introduction: Communication is and always has been an important feature of life. In the modern world the effective communication has become very important. As the world has shrunk so rapidly through the introduction of ever faster methods of transport and as understanding has become more difficult because of the sheer rate of technological growth, the need for understandable communication has increased. Thus communication skills are essential to fulfil this need for the learner. The word ‘communication’ is derived from the Latin verb ‘communicare’ which means, ‘to impart, to participate, to share’. The word ‘communicare’ in turn is derived from ‘communis’ meaning ‘comm

The Use of 'a' & 'an'

The Use of 'A' & 'An' 1. A & An Indefinite articles कहलाते हैं. 2. A & An का अर्थ होता है - एक . 3. A & An का प्रयोग Singular Countable Noun (गिनी जा सकने योग्य एकवचन संज्ञा) के पूर्व pronunciation (उच्चारण) के आधार पर किया जाता है. 4. जिस Singular Countable Noun के उच्चारण की आरंभिक ध्वनि स्वर ध्वनि (Vowel Sound) हो उस Noun के पूर्व an का प्रयोग किया जाता है . 5. जिस Singular Countable Noun के उच्चारण की आरंभिक ध्वनि व्यंजन ध्वनि (Consonant Sound) हो उस Noun के पूर्व a का प्रयोग किया जाता है. For Example: 1. I have a cow. Note: ('cow' Singular countable Noun है. इसका उच्चारण है - काऊ. आरंभिक ध्वनि 'क' व्यंजन ध्वनि (Consonant Sound) है. अतः यहाँ 'a' का प्रयोग उचित है.) 2. He is taking an orange. Note: ('orange' Singular countable Noun है. इसका उच्चारण है - ऑरेंज . आरंभिक ध्वनि 'अ ' स्वर ध्वनि (Vowel Sound) है. अतः यहाँ 'an' का प्रयोग उचित है.) Important Examples: (A) उच्चारण कीआरंभिक ध्वनि अगर हिंदी क

Emerson: An Essayist

Emerson, the sage of Concord, is the father of American Transcendentalism. He is one of the greatest essayists of America. He is appreciated in the entire world for his essays. About the significance of his essays Matthew Arnold, a great critic, is of the view, “As Wordsworth’s poetry is, in my judgment, the most important work done in our language during the present century, so Emerson’s ‘Essays’ are, I think, the most important work done in prose.” From the thematic point of view Emerson’s essays can be categorized into three major categories.   His essays like Self-Reliance, Compensation, Spiritual Laws, The Over-Soul, Circles, Experience, Nature and Realist can be taken as the essays of the first category. These essays of the first category deal with the descriptions of universe and its laws. Love, Prudence, Heroism, Character and Manners fall under the second category. The essays of this second category analyze the moral faculties in human relationship in general.