Charles Dickens is a unique novelist of 19th century. He is known as the chronicler of town life. He precisely depicts the town life and melancholy of middle class. As a social reformer he uses fiction as a plot form for his social appeals. Laughter and tears lie closely together in his writings. He is the most lovable of the novelist.
          Dickens's "A Tale of Two Cities" is a very popular novel. It deals with the happenings of the two cities - Paris and London during French Revolution. The novelist has presented the incidents and characters of both the cities without any partiality. Here the characters move freely from Paris to London. Hence, the novelist has rightly named the novel as "A Tale of Two Cities".
          The plot of this novel is compact, well constructed, economical, racy and dramatic. It is full of suspense, drama and curiosity. Here the aim of the novelist is not describe the French Revolution in detail. He has simply taken some of the incidents of Revolution with that background he has woven his plot. He describes the woes and troubles of the common man. He talks about the life of the people with their political and social problems.
The story of "A Tale of Two Cities" is very interesting. Dr. Alexander Manette has been imprisoned for 18 years. His daughter Lucie brings him to London after his release. Due to her care Dr. Manette recovers physically and mentally. Miss Lucie falls in love with Darnay. Darnay's father and uncle were responsible for the suffering of her father. Dr. Manette allows Darnay to marry his daughter. They are married.
Once Darnay goes to Paris. As the French Revolution has started, he is arrested there. He is sentenced to death. Dr. Manette and Lucie go there to save him. He is released but he is again arrested. Now Sydney Carton plans to save Darnay's life for the sake of his beloved Lucie. Carton loves Lucie sincerely even after her marriage to Darnay. He takes help of the jailor who takes out the unconscious Darnay from the prison. Carton replaces Darnay in the prison and dies for him for the sake of Lucie.
In this way we find that "A Tale of Two Cities" is a very interesting novel. Dickens has told the story excellently well. He has cast his spell on us. Our interest in the novel never flags. The suspense goes on mounting. Here he has blended humour and pathos. For this merit, this novel is always appreciated.


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